Sunday, September 30, 2012

Little teeny frog

There are a lot of little frogs at Jimmy and Bel's as they are surrounded by tropical forest as well as a dam or pond, and they have teeny little frogs up on their deck, hiding behind paintings and in Bromeliad plants. I managed to photograph this noisy little one last night. They do have some teeny green ones, but this is a brown one.

Birthday weekend at Jimmy and Bel's.

 These are Grevillia flowers.
 Tony, Bel and Jimmy with a sculpture inblack marble of a snake.
 This Goanna sculpture, there is a small frog down in the right corner.

 View from the Palmwoods Pub,
 Amelie sucking on avocado and milk mashed in a dummy thing!
We had a lovely time with Jimmy and Bel, and little Amelie who is just so gorgeous. It feels so good when she holds up her arms for you to pick her up. We had lunch at the Palmwoods Pub which was nice and walked through the Botanical gardens and sculpture trail. so here are some photos for you.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wow, Sea Eagles

It was the most exciting thing this afternoon,as we sat down at the Point Vernon rocks for a coffee, a Sea Eagle landed on a Mangrove branch on the rocks. I crept and crept and crept and got quite close to get a photo, while it was chirping (that is the sound it makes!) to its mother up on the nest up the pole. So here are the photos. Absolutely wonderful. I feel so privileged to see it and get so close.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Scarecrows at Kenilworth

We went down to the Kenilworth Arts Celebrations today - this is on the Sunshine Coast hinterland area of the Blackall Ranges. There were dyed silk flags in the street, and scarecrows along the road - reminded me of the Scarecrows that the Southern Beaches Regional Arts did in the Sorell area.

There was an exhibition at the Town Hall, with really really good artworks at very high prices, plus there were 2 galleries in the town - one of which I will apply to, to have an exhibition there. It was lovely driving along the Mary River Valley from Gympie to get there. Tired now though. so here are a few photos.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Who would want to be anywhere else?

It has been a lovely day today - hot sunshine with a cool sea breeze - actually had little waves in the bay - never seen that before! There has been super boat races here this weekend - see my photo of just the sea spray they threw up! Sat down on the rocks near the location of Point Vernon where the last photo was taken, and saw these pelicans. Also the other day the bats were flying around - managed to photograph this one!!

There is always some thing happening here, from gofer scooter lines to get in the Guiness book of records, so many art and craft as well as fruit and veg markets, then there is the old man who dresses as a pirate and raises money for a school, people with fluorescent pink hair etc etc. Amazing!! And of course there are people like us here - some really interesting people in the caravan parks.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Still at Caravan Park

I haven't had much to say for a few days because we are till just waiting to hear if the tenants in our future home have found another place - 4 weeks on from signing up for the house, but nothing to hear just yet, so we have been in this caravan park now for nearly 5 weeks. Every 2 weeks we have to move sites as our camper kills the grass, and this site we can only be in for 5 days, then need to move again, which means packing away, taking down, and then setting up again! Well, we haven't got anything else to do, have we? Today though I went to the Arts Councils painting shed and had a wonderful time painting, while Tony went and shot arrows at the archery club.
We then sat along the shore at Point Vernon having a coffee and this is the view, plus a little bird that hopped around.
We hoped to see any whales that may have come in close to shore, but none did!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Childers and Sugar Cane

Today we went to Childers, which is between here and Bundaberg, not too far away but took much longer because of stopping for ages at road works.
Childers is surrounded by sugar cane farms, sits on a bit of a hill overlooking the countryside, so would get breezes during the hot summer. Also many backpackers stay there and work on the sugar cane farms, and in 2000 someone started a fire at the backpackers, whick killed quite a lot of young people.
This old hotel is now an information centre, lovely art gallery and a memorial with photos of the young people who died.

I also found this new age shop called The end of the Rainbow, so just had to take a photo of it!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Weekend at Jimmy, Bel and Amelie Roses

We have just returned to our camper at Hervey Bay after having a lovely weekend down at Palmwoods on the Sunshine Coast with Jimmy, Belinda and little Amelie. She is now nearly 6 months old, practically sitting up on her own - almost, and yesterday she had her first taste of mashed pumpkin and loved it!!
We went to the Fisherman's Market - a normal market, not just fish!! with them yesterday where we bought our cheap fruit and veg that you can get up here.
But here are some photos from the weekend.
Next entry I will tell you about the Arts Council meeting - was quite amazing, just got home from their tonight. But that will be tomorrow's entry.

also when we left Jimmy's we visited my friend Anna who lives at Marcus Beach, so it was lovely to see her and her little home.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Birds of Hervey Bay

It seemed to be a day for the birds today! We went and sat along the shore at this spot at Pialba, and while there a Butcher bird came and perched on the seat right next to me, as well as a Noisy Miner (haven't got that photo here), plus a group of Ibis' were stalking around and standing on one leg. I noticed that they have a glittering red bit on the top of their head! Hmm, ideas for painting.

Then a bit further along at a boat ramp there was a sea eagle sitting on a post!!
 This last photo is from that rocky shoreline,which actually does also have a sandy beach, from Pialba looking towards Point Vernon - the point sticking out ther!!

Australiana Caravan Park, Scarness

We had to move sites today after 2 weeks in the one spot. Otherwise the grass under the camper will die. But as we only moved from 58 to 50 we could carry most of our stuff, and just push the camper but we had to take down and then put up the walls again. We then cover the whole thing with a tarpauline to keep the heat out, and if it rains to make sure that doesn't come in. Haven't had any rain so far. So our camper looks pretty awful in this photo, also the car is old and is pretty dirty - but this is our home at the moment!!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Nickenbah and Urangan beach

Sunday - Father's Day today.
We went to Nickenbah Market this morning where there are a variety of stalls. I bought a book of Turner's European travels watercolour drawings for only $6. As well as such cheap veg and fruit - got 500 grams of strawberries - not many left now, and bananas.

This afternoon we went to the beach down Urangan end of Hervey Bay where you can walk dogs on the beach. It is always hard anywhere to find these sort of beaches. The tide, as usual was right out, but you get these ridges of sand and water that are lovely. And in one of the water pools there was this crab!! Yeeks, I am glad i didn't step on it!!