Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Still at Caravan Park

I haven't had much to say for a few days because we are till just waiting to hear if the tenants in our future home have found another place - 4 weeks on from signing up for the house, but nothing to hear just yet, so we have been in this caravan park now for nearly 5 weeks. Every 2 weeks we have to move sites as our camper kills the grass, and this site we can only be in for 5 days, then need to move again, which means packing away, taking down, and then setting up again! Well, we haven't got anything else to do, have we? Today though I went to the Arts Councils painting shed and had a wonderful time painting, while Tony went and shot arrows at the archery club.
We then sat along the shore at Point Vernon having a coffee and this is the view, plus a little bird that hopped around.
We hoped to see any whales that may have come in close to shore, but none did!!

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