Monday, September 3, 2012

Australiana Caravan Park, Scarness

We had to move sites today after 2 weeks in the one spot. Otherwise the grass under the camper will die. But as we only moved from 58 to 50 we could carry most of our stuff, and just push the camper but we had to take down and then put up the walls again. We then cover the whole thing with a tarpauline to keep the heat out, and if it rains to make sure that doesn't come in. Haven't had any rain so far. So our camper looks pretty awful in this photo, also the car is old and is pretty dirty - but this is our home at the moment!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks good Liz!! Another move eh?? You'll be an expert when it comes to moving into your house!!! Love SUEXX
