Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Foxes and Bats

At this caravan park at Hervey Bay there is a resident fox!! It comes around every night to see if there are scraps and of course twice now Joey has gone out and growled and chased it.
Also every evening we see thousands of bats fly overhead and swirl and head off to Fraser Island to feast.

Today it has been showery but not cold at all - 25 degrees, and only 21 degrees overnight. It has been good to walk on the wet grass in bare feet, in shorts and tee shirts, not worrying about getting wet or cold.
We went to Dundowran beach today, was absolutely beautiful there.
Later this afternoon, as usual, with the tide way out over the sand we went for a walk and paddled in the shallow water. Joey just loves it - looks really dirty with the sand, but it brings her fur up nicely when she is dry! Saves bathing her.
We are standing just near the long jetty at Urangan.


  1. You two look great!! Love short shorts Liz!! That beach brings back happy memories!! Love it!! Temps sound lovely 21 at night is very pleasant! Wish I was with you!! :(

  2. Hey, sexy friend!
    Glad you are having such a great time. Give Joey extra hugs from me for being such a brave little pooch.....growling at a fox! I'm impressed.
