Thursday, May 24, 2012

Lakes Entrance

We left Wallaga Lake yesterday and drove 5 hours south into Victoria to Lakes Entrance. We stopped at Eden for our morning coffee, at the fisherman's wharf.
At Lakes Entrance there is also a photo of the wharf with fishing boats, plus there are sculptures out of trees, like this one, along the main road.
We went to Lake Tyers this afternoon, and Tony actually caught a salmon which is large enough for us to have for dinner! Yay. I took some photos there - it is a favourite spot, only 8 km's out of Lakes Entrance, and at one time we really wanted to move there. The lake doesn't quite break through to the sea, but the water from the lake was much higher than usual and into the sand dunes. Also a photo of the Waterwheel Tavern there - we used to go for our 5 o'clock drinks there when we first visited here!
Tony was at the sea edge fishing, and I braved the strong wind to do a watercolour pencil drawing, which I then added water to, and this photo is to show how windy it was, plus that I WAS actually sitting on the dunes painting!! We are expecting gale force winds and more rain later, but it has been sunny here today. Also the end result of my drawing/painting!

Tomorrow we leave, head to Melbourne and get the Spirit of Tasmania tomorrow night, and arrive back in Tasmania on Sunday. Tony wants to stay away on holiday!! This last photo is of the cooking station under the anexe! Pretty simple, isn't it, but it does - I don't cook there, I am not the cook!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Cobargo, Central Tilba and Wallaga Lake

Today we are still camped beside the lake - the only people here! This morning we drove to a couple of old towns, one of them Cobargo, which is on the main highway, has a few old fashioned shops and galleries, then in to Central Tilba which is a tourist town, with gift shops, cafes, a new age shop, little craft shops etc. There is also the cheese shop with Tilba cheeses in it - that was lunch! Although I had to show you the lamington that I had for morning coffee!!
Then back at Wallaga Lake - a photo of the sunset last night over the lake, the view of Gulaga Mountain, a mountain that was an aboriginal women's sacred place, and an eagle that settled just above me in a tree. Wow!!

Tomorrow we head to Lakes Entrance, our last stop before the boat and home. Depends on the weather as to how long we stay there. Sunny and lovely here, but the Gippsland and Melbourne are supposed to get windy stormy weather!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Kiama to Wallaga Lake

We left Kiama this morning, stopped for coffee at Ulladulla which is a lovely little harbour for small boats, then on to Mogo where we wandered around the small craft shops and galleries, and then on to Wallaga Lake, which is south of Narooma, on the road to Bermagui!!
This has to be one of my favourite places, camped right on the lakes edge, with Mt Gulaga in the distance.

Photos are of the harbour and beach of Ulladulla, a sculpture at Mogo, plus a couple of the shops, both leather ones, a wacky sign there, and a photo of our camper right on the lake, and a view from the camper looking over the lake to the mountain.
Sorry, I forgot to turn the sign photo around!!

Sunday, May 20, 2012


A beautiful sunny day here today at Kiama. It is a lovely spot, with old fashioned buildings, Norfolk Pine trees, a couple of blow holes that weren't blowing, so I haven't photos of them for you!!
But I have a photo from Kendalls Beach where we are, looking towards the Kiama lighthouse, also photos of the row of old fashioned shops from the early days. These are now all gift shops.

Tomorrow we head off to Wallaga Lake, just south of Narooma, will stop for coffee at Ulladulla, lunch at Mogo, a lovely arty crafty town where I hope to get some silk fibre paper from Amandas.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Through Sydney to Kiama

Today we left The Entrance, drove through Sydney (yeeks), past Woolongong to Kiama, where we are camped for 2 nights at kendalls Beach.
I am putting in a photo taken of Joey yesterday, while fishing on the jetty at Dan's, of her eyeing off the bait that was sitting on the Esky!!!
Also a photo of Woolongong from a look out, and the view from our camper, towards a rivulet that comes out on the beach.

This last photo is of Olympic Park - Homebush stadium - where the Olympics were held 12 years ago in Sydney.
Will add photos of Kiama tomorrow. Exhausted now!

Gosford and Francis family

Today was just so good. We went into East Gosford where Dan and Mich live in an apartment right on the waterfront,with a jetty right outside, where, of course, they fish. Tony went to archery for the day and had a great day, getting some high scores so he is a happy laddie.
After I had dropped him at the archery club, I went to the Gosford Art Gallery, where there is a Japanese Garden, so the first photos are of the garden. Nearby in a park is this sculpture  of wooden posts - I can't remember the name at the moment!!!Too much red wine. The coloured carp fish are at the garden.s
There there are photos of fishing on the jetty, with little 4 year old Zoe and her now best friend, Joey, fishing, Sam and Ben, and Daniel and Zoe.

The Entrance, NSW

We have had 3 nights - last night tonight, her at The Entrance, just south of Newcastle, and just north of Gosford where Dan and his partner Michelle live. It is a lovely holiday spot, really good for children, rather old fashioned in its design, but we have had hot days and cool nights, absolutely perfect. So here are some photos of the place.'
The caravan park is across the river from the town, so this photo is looking at the caravan park from the town, also a view of the town from the wild surf beach, a photo of a water park for kiddies, and of course pelicans on the sand when the tide is out.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Fishing? Or just waiting?

Everyone seemed to be waiting for fish today at Forster Tuncurry. Tony had no luck at all, which meant Joey didn't get her little fish to eat, the pelicans were waiting, the cormarant was waiting..... but it has been a sunny day so that has been good.

So its either off to the Fish Co-op or Spaghetti Bolognaise for dinner!
Moving south to The Entrance tomorrow.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Forster Tuncurry, NSW

When we arrived here at Tuncurry yesterday, and were setting our camper up, a little boy from the next caravan was overheard to say, "Mum, there are OLD people next to us!!" Out of the mouths of babes!!

We have 3 nights here, as we are doing at each stop, nights are getting colder, days we need to wear long trousers, not shorts!! Ho hum. But it is a nice spot, not much successful fishing happening here though. Lots of pelicans, so here it is. Enjoy the pics. The Great Lakes Caravan park is where this lake is, where pelicans are - collected feathers for my mixed media work. My attempts at watercolour are totally hopeless!!