Friday, May 4, 2012

Back at Palmwoods - can't keep away from little one!

We arrived back at Jimmy and Bel's yesterday, and Amelie Rose has grown so much in the 2 weeks since we saw her. Her colic has settled which is wonderful.

So of course here are some more photos. One of Jimmy and Bel with Amelie laying on the floor, Jimmy and Amelie, and one of me with Bel's mother Helen.

Also Jimmy has just got a VW Golf Cabriole convertable. I reckon I look pretty good behind the wheel, don't you?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Liz, great to see the photos. Have you also been looking at houses?? Enjoy the time with little Amelie and the family. Take care - when do you head back to Tassie (won't say home!). Luv Sue xx
