Monday, August 27, 2012

Hervey Bay beach

When we came back from Maryborough, we took Joey for a walk in the shallows, as the tide goes way out. Sand is so yellow, there were little blue crabs scuttling around, and a boat heading out to go whale watching. There is the very long jetty there also.


We went into Maryborough this morning - up here they say Marybra!! It is about 1/2 inland from here and the main town I supppose. It is a very colonial old town, but the gardens are old and beautiful. We had a picnic coffee there, and then wandered, so these photos are of the gardens: Phlox borders that were so scented as I walked past, view of the Mary River, the sausage tree - it is really called that! And another big tree that sends down roots to hold up its branches.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Saturday morning market

We wandered down to the waterfront at Scarness and there was a market there, which was nice. Also sat and had coffee, as you can see - what a great way to spend a Saturday morning in the winter time!! In our shorts.... hot now it is afternoon though. But the weather here is one or two degrees lower than what Brisbane gets, and a lovely cool breeze. It cools down by later afternoon, and has been cool to start in the morning, so just perfect weather.
Tony has gone off to meet the archery club today so Joey and I have had a lovely quiet afternoon back here at camp.

So here are the market photos. Also small mangrove trees along the rocky shoreline - I can feel a painting coming on!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sunny Hervey Bay

Another beautiful day, about 24 degrees. We went into Maryborough to the market, and bought some dog shampoo that is natural and should stop itching - lets hope so, but at the moment she is still chewing and scratching!!
We called in at the Art Society gallery here in Hervey Bay and there is a big exhibition opening tomorrow night at the Regional Gallery we will go to.
This is Joey getting her bath today!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hervey Bay

We are settled in the australiana Caravan Park for a few weeks now, running around in our shorts and sandals. Cool at night, perfect in the day. We are hoping to get a house that we bid for at an auction, but I think they will be wanting just a bit more than we can go to. Never mind, there are other houses, but not as good as this one, which is worth a whole lot more than the reserve price.

It is whale watching season here at the moment, with celebrations happening. So I will try and upload a photo from the Light parade they had on Saturday night, also a photo of the Boat Harbour.  Last photo is of bats hanging in the trees. Gorgeous.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Montville, Sunshine Coast Hinterland

We just had to have a day going up to Montville on the hills inland from the Sunshine Coast. There are touristy shops - yes, I know - but it has a lovely feeling walking along, popping into little cafes and various shops. Bought some sari silk endings from an alpaca shop, also visited Cadman's Cottage, a new age shop - the owner knows us now!!

We arrived at Hervey Bay today, only to find most of the caravan parks full as it is whale watching season! But we did find a small corner for our camper so that is good. Had to take Joey to the vet as she had an infected eye/eylid - which cost me an arm and a leg nearly!!!
Good night everyone.

Brunswick Heads to Sunshine Coast

We had a brilliant sunset at Brunswick Heads, and the next day we left for the Sunshine Coast, past Brisbane, and stopped just before the Maroochydore turnoff at an Australiana type place, with the Ettamoga Pub, and this cute Emu face outside a shop. Lots of little shops and cafes - very touristy.

Jimmy, Belinda and Amelie

We left Brunswick Heads and arrived at Jimmy and Bel's at Palmwoods on the Sunshine Coast. Little Amelie is now 5 months old - how she has grown. I was there to see her role over from her tummy to her back for the first time!! She sleeps so well through the night also.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Corindi and Brunswick Heads

Yesterday we did another very long drive from Dan's to Corindi beach which is just north of Woolgoolga, and south of Grafton. Lovely ,lovely spot, kangaroos in the park, also there were 2 bush turkeys and a rooster running around together!!
Today we did a shorter drive, to Brunswick Heads, which is just north of Byron Bay. Beautiful weather, sunny, in shorts, and right on the river bank, but the fish are keeping away!!
First pic is of a peacock on Dan and Michelle's deck.
 This is the Big Banana at Coffs Harbour. Photo was taken from car - so not that clear, as we passed by.
 This is the Clarence River, from Ferry park at McLean, just north of Grafton. Sugar Cane fields across the river.

 Sugar Cane fields and a Sugar cane factory belching smoke.
 From the camper at Brunswick Heads.
This is sugar cane country we have been going through, and sub tropical now.

Friday, August 10, 2012

At Copacabana now, north of Sydney

We stayed overnight at Goulburn, and woke to a thick frost! But the camper was warm and cosy. Packed up and headed north, bypassing Sydney on the Motorway - a wonderful highway I haven't been on before. It came up windy, very windy, and still is blowing a gale here at Daniel's house at Copacabana. This is just south of Terrigal, on the coast from Gosford where he works as a probation officer. They rent this house for nearly as much as we jointly get on the pension!! Yeeks!!
This is the big merino sheep at Goulburn - pretty big, huh?

So these first 2 pics are of inside Daniel and Michelle's house at Copacobana, and the next 2 or down at the beach - we didn't go on the beach itself!!! It is now rainy and still blowing twigs and leaves on the deck. Tomorrow we stay here and then on Monday we will head off to Forster Tuncurry. That is the plan anyway!

In NSW now

We had a really good days' drive from Hobart to Launceston and spent the afternoon with Monica and Ben, and went and picked up Lochie from play school, then at home he played at winning gold in the Olympics!! This is of Monica and Ben at work in their office at home!!

The boat trip on the Spirit of Tasmania was soooo smooth, after us having days of high wind, so that was wonderful. Got off the boat at 6.45 this morning, and first of all it was very rainy and dark of course going through Melbourne, but then it fined up and we actually did over 700 kms arriving here, very tired at Goulburn. So we will get through Sydney tomorrow and on to Daniel and Mishes place at Copacabana.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Farewell to Tassie friends

My special friend Sue held an afternoon tea with a couple of other very special friends, to farewell me before we leave Tasmania and go to Queensland. It was just lovely of her and I will really miss her, as well as other friends here.
From left: Saakia, Sue, me, Michelle.
Thank you ladies for the wonderful farewell and presents. I will never forget you, but then I will keep in touch anyway.
Also the moon peeped through the clouds to say farewell too!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Farewell Hobart and Primrose Sands

This is the final farewell to Hobart, as we will be leaving in a week's time, to move up to Hervey Bay. Our house sold a month ago, which took us by surprise, as we didn't expect the sale to come during the winter time, so we have been busy cleaning, packing, throwing out etc. I am not holding a toilet roll, or have a white tail in this photo, it is the backing that I pulled off the Sold sign!!
The second photo is of Salamanca Place, so goodbye to Quoll Artists Gallery. It was worth being there for nearly 9 years, as I sold well there, but it is time to move the goal posts and sell at higher prices elsewhere.
The 3rd photo is of my friend Terri Appleby who came down and stayed for a night, before we left. We are standing on the deck of my house, with Primrose Sands beach in the background. I know that I won't get a house with such views again, but I will be closer to shops, doctors, airport, hospital etc etc, and also still as close to the beach, but it is flatter, without hills.