Friday, August 24, 2012

Saturday morning market

We wandered down to the waterfront at Scarness and there was a market there, which was nice. Also sat and had coffee, as you can see - what a great way to spend a Saturday morning in the winter time!! In our shorts.... hot now it is afternoon though. But the weather here is one or two degrees lower than what Brisbane gets, and a lovely cool breeze. It cools down by later afternoon, and has been cool to start in the morning, so just perfect weather.
Tony has gone off to meet the archery club today so Joey and I have had a lovely quiet afternoon back here at camp.

So here are the market photos. Also small mangrove trees along the rocky shoreline - I can feel a painting coming on!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Liz. Weather looks lovely. Glad you are enjoying it all. I'll keep my fingers crossed for your Auction house. Nice coffee spot!!! You will ahve to take me there when I come up!!

    Miss you Love SUEX
