Friday, August 10, 2012

At Copacabana now, north of Sydney

We stayed overnight at Goulburn, and woke to a thick frost! But the camper was warm and cosy. Packed up and headed north, bypassing Sydney on the Motorway - a wonderful highway I haven't been on before. It came up windy, very windy, and still is blowing a gale here at Daniel's house at Copacabana. This is just south of Terrigal, on the coast from Gosford where he works as a probation officer. They rent this house for nearly as much as we jointly get on the pension!! Yeeks!!
This is the big merino sheep at Goulburn - pretty big, huh?

So these first 2 pics are of inside Daniel and Michelle's house at Copacobana, and the next 2 or down at the beach - we didn't go on the beach itself!!! It is now rainy and still blowing twigs and leaves on the deck. Tomorrow we stay here and then on Monday we will head off to Forster Tuncurry. That is the plan anyway!

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