Monday, October 8, 2012

Creations @ The Harbour

I was on duty yesterday afternoon for the first time at Creations,and there were a lot of people wandering through, mostly buying small things, but it was quite fun. Busier than when I was at Quoll in Hobart. Two days after i put my work in there, I sold an oil painting of Pincushion Island at Maroochydore, and i rather suspect a lady I got quite friendly with at the caravan park may have bought it. But that is some money to pay the rent for a few months!!

 This was another sculpture from the Sculpture park - don't think I added this before.
 This was a title of the Sculpture park I think - liked the name - would make a good title for an exhibition.
 The other day i sat in the shade of these trees having my lunch - so looked up and took this photo!
 And Joey had a bath the other day = trying to get away here!
The first 2 photos are of the main gallery part which mostly has craft works in it, and then the alleway between the craft part and the other 2 smaller galleries, one of which is where my work is, which is more like a 'normal' gallery space!

1 comment:

  1. That is one huge gallery. No wonder you found it busier than Quoll. It would be a lot more fun and more interesting as well as rewarding.

    Did you bath Joey together with the dishes? Haha..
