Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Crystal Castle, near Mullumbimbi

 Crystal Castle is inland from Byron Bay, very forested area, very tropical looking. They have an amazing garden there with these huge statues, and chunks of crystal and amethyst etc.
 This is the view from the cafe, looking over the garden, kangaroo paws in the foreground, and over the valley to the hills.
 This is the Indian Goddess Avola........ (long name!) who is also Quan Yin to the Chinese, and Chemtezrig to the Tibetans. There is a temple at Eudlo, near Jimmy and Bel that is called Chemtezrig.. I have a lot of Quan Yin statues!!! Not this big though!
 The Bamboo walk.
 Rose Quartz labrynth .
This really cute sculpture is in the middle of their herb and lettuce garden.

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